A few days ago, I received a note from a friend that touched
my heart and led me to think about perseverance. What does it means to press
on or persist in spite of a struggle or trial. Does it matter if I choose to
quit in the face of great odds? When is it time to admit defeat?
We’ve all heard the stories of people whose great
perseverance through adverse circumstances inspire us. We admire their tenacity
to keep pressing forward.
- Ann Sullivan, herself a product of hard times, worked tenaciously for months to rear in blind and deaf Hellen Keller’s wild tantrums until she earned the child’s trust and affection, and then helped develop one of the most influential women of the twentieth century.
- Winston Churchill was an academic and political failure until the age of 62 when he became Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, and then led his nation to victory against Nazi Germany.
- Thomas Edison was told in his early years that he was “too stupid to learn anything,” and then conducted more than 1,000 failed attempts to create the lightbulb until one worked.
“They were extraordinary people,” you say. Were they? I’d
like to relate another story—a story of valor and tenacity, a story of
The Waldensian story has the makings of an epic movie. The
Christian History Institute calls it “fascinating and legendary.” Known as the
first evangelical reformers centuries before Martin Luther entered the picture,
the Catholic Church called them heretics. Yet these ordinary men and women
remained tenaciously faithful to their beliefs, pressing on in spite of persecution
and martyrdom through at least nine centuries of oppression. Today, the
Waldensian faithful have joined the Presbyterian Church, but their story lives
on and inspires people of faith to stand firm in the face of persecution.
Practical Reasons for
- In January 2013, Science Daily reported a two-decade study in the neuroscience journal Neuro, showing that the pleasure response we get from accomplishing a goal drives up the body’s production of dopamine. The more dopamine we produce, the more the desire to experience the pleasure of accomplishing a goal and the more we develop a habit of perseverance.
- Pressing on is half the battle to achieving our dreams.
- Persevering in the short-term often leads to long-term satisfaction.
o Deferring
immediate gratification on a diet can lead to a healthier body;
o Sacrificing
short-term pleasures to study for college exams can lead to a college degree
and long-term employment;
o Working
through the struggles in marriage can lead to an inspirational love story
Corporate Reasons for
- Persevering in the face of a seemingly impossible task can inspire others to do extraordinary things.
- Remaining tenacious against a strong and seemingly unbeatable adversary can save the world from falling into the hands of an evil regime.
- Stubbornly pressing on to find the scientific solution to a revolutionary invention can literally light up our world.
Spiritual Reasons for
I don’t know about you, but my journey through life is
riddled with trials. Brief moments of peace settle around me, but then something
else bubbles to the surface, and I feel overwhelmed. But Scripture seems to
indicate that it matters to God how we approach our trials.
“And not only this, but we also exult in our
tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and
proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint,
because the love of God has been poured out within our
hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us” (Romans 5:3 – 5, NASB).
If we view trials as opportunities, they produce
in us a wealth of insight and wisdom we otherwise might not have received. With
insight comes hope that encourages us to persevere through the darkest times and
enables us to discover the great love God has for us.
When troubles come, we want to run the other way.
But God says no, lean in. “I will teach you all that you need to get through
this life and become a person of character and strength. When trials come,
rejoice. It’s your opportunity to grow. Don’t worry, I will be in it with you,
and you will know my love poured out for you.”
There will always be another trial to overcome.
But Jesus said, “I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). Lean in, press on,
persevere until he tells you to move on. Why should it matter? It matters to who
you become and to those you inspire along the way.